Read Bienstock, didn't feel anything; read Vack, didn't feel anything, read Delicious Taco, didn't feel anything, read Crumpstack, didn't feel anything, read Let Me Try Again by that guy, didn't feel anything, read Honor Levy, felt a little bit of something, not much, maybe a little bit, read Last Male Poet, didn't feel anything, listened to Sov House poems didn't feel anything listened to red scare didn't feel anything, listened to neoliberalhell podcast aka the self proclaimed "voice of NYC", didn't feel anything, read Ethics, didn't feel anything, same with Perfectly Imperfect, same with Stimulant and the other derivative post-alt-lit autofiction navelgazing Zines, none of them made me feel anything. None of it takes risks or is honest about feelings it's like people imitating what having feelings is like. But maybe I'm just having another low affect period, I've been off my meds