and it was two weekends ago I was at his house to the ams and I was like “Imma just crash on your couch” and he was like ok tryna figure out his vibe with the other two remaining girls. He went into his bed, the other two fiends left and I was like tf am I doing… So I knocked on his door, no reply. I opened the door, “Theoooo” No reply. It was pitch black so I was feeling his body out on his bed,. like are you even here and how tf are you dead asleep, it's been 10 mins. He didn’t reply or say anything, I couldn’t even hear him breathing. I just crawled in and he immediately grabbed me, kissed me and fucked me. Nothing was said.
When we woke up I did ask him why he didn’t invite me to sleep in his bed and said that I just looked so peaceful on the couch and didn’t wanna disturb me. Haha yeah i was pretending to be asleep. And then he fucked me again
I FEEL HIGH Then we hung out for the whole day hungover and sleep-deprived. It was everything I wanted.