In Spite of it all since 28 days ago

Tired of biting your tongue?

--< Write for Spite! >--

How Spite Started

In my capacity as a digital visionary, I was recently hired by a notorious alt-lit figure to help create a new online periodical.

Another tool to divide us. A cesspool in the guise of a sanctuary.
Alt Lit Meme Image

Fighting The System

Despite my misgivings I worked hard until this individual conspired to hoard the literary clout for himself. I only had one question.


Spite Meme Image

My only choice is to create my own online publication. I have playfully dubbed it Spite.

Anyone can write for Spite.

Tired of biting your tongue?

--< Write for Spite! >--

Every time you post, the SPITE COUNTER goes up!

2659 spite -- 21 users active now -- 371 users active today -- 4446 alltime users

spite issue of the week

Spite Reading

recent posts

When is the issue if the week finally gonna change

Spite needs to expand the editorial board, they're falling way behind. It's becoming a joke.


I Am Alive Because of Spite

I live to post I love to post Long live Spite


I thought I posted something have been looking for it everywhere on the page and paranoid

Damn bruh I'm confused... Not sexually! I swear I made a post, but it's gone... Did I make the first post removed off of Spite? I am actually realizing now …


everyone thinks they're cool for hating dolphins

In the past 5 years I've met at least 7 idiots who think they're clever for pointing out the fact that dolphins are capable of sexually assaulting and killing humans …


everyone knows

deleuze or derrida or whichever post modernist hater of humanity wrote this is an absolute hack who just wanted to destroy civilization. Fortunately this stuff only affects art school types …


i watched you

good poem. -spite art critic


hugging my americans

all my americans out there if you were born in America or here for 9/11 you know we all cursed and i know we all had a hard day i …


good on here again :)

there was a time when men were blind



Mk.gee is coworker music


in a rut poem

this is like delicious tacos level bad


in a rut poem

this is like delicious tacos level bad


i hate how everyone dresses

its so bad everyone needs to get their act together and dress like adults


Are u in a rut yet

Is it boring in her bed Getting high Watching TV She's already told that story twice before You get a whiff of her pits when she stretched Things are starting …


Auditory hallucinations are not real, it’s so easy to hear something different

Today on 9/11 I remembered I am incapable of making the decision to go to sleep and instead I enjoy staying up until exhaustion. I do not enjoy going to …


I miss her!

I miss her when I am taking a shit. I miss her when I am touching tits. I miss her when I am taking a Uber I miss her she’s …


(Ween transdermal celebration voice)

Transgender operation.. theyre doing them on prison immigrants


How could you get mad about something posted on SPITE FUCKING MAGAZINE!

It's literally Spite how could you even about SPITE?!!!


I wish the World Trade Center was still around...

I really only wish 9/11 never happened so I could still jump off the world trade center.


What do we think
